As in the rest of the country, Spanish is the predominant language among the population. The variety of Mexican Spanish spoken in the region distinguishes itself from the rest of the country with its strong intonation and contraction of words. Due to its proximity to the United States, it receives a great deal of influence from English. For example, English words such as troca truck, lonche lunch and bai bye are of common usage.
Education in English is widespread among the middle and upper economical classes of the population, albeit with varied degrees of fluency. Students and business people would the best bet if you need to ask something in English on the street.
Northern Mexico has the lowest concentration of indigenous communities of all regions in the country. There is no a single indigenous language that surpasses 100,000 speakers. Some of the most significant indigenous languages include Tarahumara, Mayo, Huichol, and Paipai. Please note that is not essential to learn any of these languages unless you go into a very remote area or you want to be immersed in the local culture. The great majority of indigenous people are bilingual in Spanish as well.